HOMESustainabilityEnvironmental ManagementOverview

Environmental Management

A World Where People live
in Harmony with Nature,
Which is Our Promise to
the Generation to Come.

To keep this precious promise,
KPIC is trying to be sensitive to the sound of nature
and heavily invested in environment-related facilities.

Environment-Friendly Management

KPIC considers the environment and is working hard toward “Zero Pollution” for the overall company in order to unfold an abundant tomorrow where people and the nature are in harmony.
We are using ISO 14001, an international standard environmental management system, in our overall management activities, and are making a constant effort to participate voluntarily in agreements in the self-regulating RC (Responsible Care) movement for purposes of energy conservation and the reduction of the discharge of greenhouse gas.
We are investing, as our number one priority, in infrastructure for preventing air pollution and contamination. And we are accomplishing actual performance within our business fields, not only for reducing the use of energy and environmental contamination, but also reducing discharge of environmental contamination materials and waste, and improving our processes. At the same time, we are making a green future for human beings by constant research of and investment in development of environmentally- friendly products, high-efficiency and low-energy processes.


KPIC is a manufacturer of petrochemical derivatives such as olefin and plastic materials such as polypropylene and high-density polyethylene. Being fully aware of the linkage that exists between conservation of Earth’s environment and humanity’s survival and prosperity, all KPIC executives and employees strive to minimize the impact of our production activities on the environment. Being committed to the creation of pleasant living environment for all humans, we pursue the following guidelines:

  • We identify all factors that may affect environment in all phases of our activities including raw materials purchase, production, sales, and services. To minimize our impact on the environment, we set up environmental goals and establish strategies to achieve the goals.
  • We continuously carry out activities for environmental improvement in line with our basic environmental principles.
  • We strictly abide by environmental acts and regulations. Furthermore, we set up our own internal criteria that are thoroughly managed.
  • We do our best to continuously improve environment by regularly conducting internal environmental audit to review the achievements made by our efforts.
  • We carry out environmental training programs for all our executives and employees so that the whole corporation enhances its environment management capability.
  • We establish an internal communications system as well as external communications channels with outside experts and authorities to secure environmental transparency of our corporation.
  • We minimize generation of waste from energy consumption and pollution source. We strictly monitor potential threats to prevent emergency situations and minimize damage if they occur.

KPIC’s environmental management system meets the specifications of ISO 14001. We publicize the guidelines stated above, internally and externally, to confirm the commitment of all executives and employees to environment-friendly management. The guidelines will be thoroughly and faithfully pursued.